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Giving a voice to kids who struggle to share how they feel



14-year-old Ido began individual music therapy at Misholim two and a half years ago. His anti-social behaviour at school had become intolerable for his teachers - he would regularly demean and disparage his classmates, and occasionally instigate physical confrontations. His parents didn’t know where to turn until they heard about Misholim. 

Ido has a remarkable talent and love for music so combining his passion with therapy seemed the best way to focus his energy. Through his music therapy classes and artistic workshops at Misholim, Ido has developed an understanding of how he is perceived by others and how this affects their attitude towards him. The social workers and teachers at Misholim have been working with Ido to find ways he can avoid social conflict and overcome feelings of aggression in a peaceful manner. 

At the same time, Misholim have worked very closely with Ido’s parents who had previously feared their son’s behaviour and retreated from it. Together they are learning how to support Ido in the most effective way and take back some control in their relationship with him. Step by step the family are building bridges and finding new ways of communicating. 


At Misholim’s expressive arts therapy centre in Jerusalem, children who struggle to communicate find an outlet for their deepest feelings. Using art, music, dance and drama, each child takes part in a tailor-made programme and develops alternative ways to communicate their fears and frustrations. Through individual and group sessions with Misholim’s team of therapists, they learn to recognise personal weaknesses and develop healthy social skills. Their parents also take part in counselling sessions to improve their dialogue with their kids and understand how they can support them through the therapeutic process.


At Misholim, my son feels secure enough to voice his fears and creatively playact his frustrations.

85 ILS

Cost of one therapy session


Cost of therapy for one child for a year


Cost of art supplies and therapy equipment for a month

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