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Beit Yossi

A therapeutic home for families in crisis and distress.



The Baich family, were facing great financial difficulties, were extremely dysfunctional and generally struggling through life when they joined Bet Yossi.

After two years in the programme, Zemato (the mother) finally revealed that she had been physically abused by her husband for several years.  She explained how every day she would fear for her children and how trying to protect them was becoming too painful and she didn’t know how to cope anymore. She had instructed her children to keep this a secret for so long that it was eating at all of them.

Zemato said that the mother’s group sessions and all the other support that Beit Yossi had provided her and her children, had eventually given her the confidence to deal with her shame and come to terms with her situation.  She gathered the courage she needed and together with the staff of Beit Yossi, filed a complaint with the police against her husband. 

About three months ago, Zemato received her divorce papers. She was hired at a new job and is receiving a decent salary that allows her to support her children comfortably and also rent an apartment near Beit Yossi!


50-60 children come to Beit Yossi every day after school and receive two hot meals, academic tutoring, individual therapy (art, animal, self-defense therapy), family and group therapy.

Every family is assigned a social worker for the duration of their time at Beit Yossi. Every mother attends a weekly group session as well as individual and couples therapy as required. The team at Bet Yossi work hard to understand each family’s dynamic and needs, how best to rehabilitate them, assist them with future planning and financial security.  To help with fighting addictions, finding and remaining in employment, breaking cycles of violence and abuse.


Beit Yossi taught me not to be ashamed to ask for help and to stand up for myself. I'm forever grateful.

1,000 ₪

To support 1 child per month


Families supported per year


No. of kids supported

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