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Animal Angels

Humans and animals creating a special bond of mutual healing


MEET CARGO, the gentle giant

The therapy animal companions at Animal Angels (HAMA) come in all shapes and sizes. They often elicit both warm emotions and powerful associations with human experiences. "Cargo", a wonderful and kind black Russian Terrier,  challenged everyone to be open to positive change and he has made a huge difference for those he as helped.

Animal Angels was helping Rivka (a mother of 2) work through a sexual trauma she experienced. She likened Cargo to a bear protecting its cubs. During one particular session she admonished herself for being too afraid to report abuse in the family. She held onto Cargo  like a life raft and cried as she hugged him. "I wanted to be just like this bear protecting its cubs but instead I froze like a helpless rabbit in the grass. No more! That will never happen again!"


ANIMAL ANGELS is a leader and pioneer in establishing AAI (Animal Assisted Intervention) as a complementary therapeutic approach to conventional medical, psychological, and educational treatment. Many of the animals that they have rescued and rehabilitated from human abuse, have in turn become important facilitators of human recovery and rehabilitation. Their animals are the therapeutic bridges to communication and mutual understanding between children and their families. ANIMAL ANGELS serves citizens of all ages and all ethnic, religious, and national backgrounds ranging in ages from primary school kids to Holocaust survivors! 


Barak the parrot ("Lightening" in Hebrew) was rescued from neglect and has since become a RESCUER of many children challenged by hardship


No. of rescued animals at Animal Angels

40 ILS

Cost of food per animal per month


In Israel, Animal Angels is known as HAMA which is another word for “sun”, symbolising creation and life.

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